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How to grow your audience on Twitter in a healthier way with Circleboom

How to grow your audience on Twitter in a healthier way with Circleboom

. 2 min read

There are several ways to reach a broader and qualified audience. Getting more followers in a short-term may results with a catastrophic failure if it not handled with right tools. By following these 2 methods, you can both achieve quality audience and stay in the safe area.

  1. What you should focus on while building your profile, including friends, followers and profile details.
  2. Focus on the content you share or What to Tweet?

We’ll expand these topics in 2 blog posts.

First things first; Focus on your profile

Focus 1- Do not underestimate the power of Bio section

Most of the users take a look at to the Bio section of the potential follow candidates and try to understand if they worth to be followed by just looking the keywords in this area. When they see a related keyword to their interest area they most likely to follow. You may also add some hashtags in there.

Focus 2- Put a decent profile picture.

Using a close-up instead of a panorama always do the job. People usually check the profile pic while taking a look at to the bio.

Focus 3- Find your focus group

If you’re new on Twitter, you need to follow some people to get followed. It is all about social! After you gather some audience, you’ll start. To focus on the contents, you share. (Do not forget focus-1 and 2 before proceeding to this step)

We also suggest that to list followers of an account to reach potential new profiles those potentially have common interests with you. You may also just find potential customers who follow your competitors.

Unless you find your right audience, you won’t get the engagement even you Tweet best contents of yours. If the audience is not related to your profile, you’ll lose them eventually.

You may find potential followers by just using Circleboom’s Smart Search. To do that; focus on your target keywords and locations in the search area. i.e., Modern art lovers in New York, Growth Hackers in London with more than 10K followers, Pizza restaurants in Seattle with interested in Non-GMO.

Please be cautious while following people. First of all, do not follow and immediately unfollow them on short notice. People do not like this behavior, nor does Twitter. Please note that Twitter monitors all accounts for aggressive following and follow churn. Please read about Twitter limits for more information.

Focus 4- Clean up your account

Based on the research made by Circleboom, more than 13% of Twitter users have “0” followers, and almost 5% is following less than 10 people. These include tons of bots and spammers.

Use Circleboom’s unfollow module to find who are the potential spammers and scammers you’re currently following and drop them for good.

Bonus: You don’t have to follow everyone on Twitter. You can easily create private Twitter Lists on Circleboom to categorize your potential friends and followers. By using the lists, you can watch their behaviors and decide to follow them later based on your newly formed opinions.

Next in the series: Focus on the content you share or What to Tweet?

Kevin O. Frank
Kevin O. Frank

Co-founder and Product Owner @circleboom #DataAnalysis #onlinejournalism #DigitalDiplomacy #CrisesCommunication #newmedia