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The Easiest Twitter Archive Eraser: One-Click Delete!

The Easiest Twitter Archive Eraser: One-Click Delete!

. 5 min read

Deleting tweets sometimes gets as important as posting tweets. When you send out too much content that you do not want to be reflected on your Twitter profile anymore, you look for ways to quickly get rid of them. What could be a better way than erasing your Twitter archive?

Circleboom provides a fully automated Twitter archive eraser that can help you delete all your tweets ever since your Twitter account has been created. Not just tweets, you can also delete retweets and replies with Circleboom’s Twitter Archive eraser.

Can you Bulk Delete Twitter Likes? Yes, in just 2 steps!
Circleboom is a Twitter app that helps you in quickly removing all old likes your Twitter account. You can delete all Twitter likes or specific likes using the app.

Steps to Download Twitter Archive from Twitter:

To delete your tweets from your Twitter archive, first, you will need to download your Twitter archive from Twitter. Then, you can go to Circleboom's Twitter Archive eraser to delete tweets using the downloaded archive.

Twitter archive eraser
  • Go to your Twitter account and click on “More” from the menu on the left and select “Settings and Privacy.”
  • Under Settings, select  “Account.”
  • You will see an option to download Twitter data on your right. Enter your Twitter password and click on “Confirm.”
  • Click the “Request Data” button and Twitter will email your Twitter archive to you whenever it’s ready.  The Twitter archive is usually sent within a few hours of requesting it.

Once you have received your Twitter archive in your email with the method above, follow the steps below to erase tweets.

How to Delete Tweets by Date
You can delete tweets published on a specific date/month/year using Circleboom. Using Circleboom can let you erase tweets within seconds what might take hours to find on Twitter.

Steps to Delete Tweets using Circleboom’s Twitter Archive Eraser:

Circleboom has a feature that can let you delete all your tweets from your Twitter archive within seconds. If you don’t want to delete all the tweets, but you have tweeted with particular keywords/hashtags that you want to delete, you can do that so. It’s also possible to delete tweets within particular dates with Circleboom.

Here’s how to use Circleboom’s Twitter Archive Eraser:

  • Log in with Circleboom by authenticating your Twitter account.
  • Once logged in, go to the Circleboom menu on the left, select “My Tweets” and select “ Delete Old Tweets.” You will be taken to a new page, click on Start here to begin.
Twitter archive eraser
  • Next, you will see a screen to upload your Twitter archive. Drop your file or click on the Upload button to upload the archive. If you want to delete all your tweets, click on “Approve” and Circleboom will begin deleting all your tweets.

With the three simple steps, you can easily erase all your tweets with Circleboom. If you want to delete specific tweets, you can use the filters as below:

  • Date: You can check your tweet dates on your Twitter archive file and by selecting the “Start Date” and “End Date” you can delete tweets from a particular time period.
  • Using the free text search, you can shortlist tweets that contain a particular hashtag, mentions, or text.
  • You can also delete tweets from a specific language. Just enter it in the language box to filter it.
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Final Words:

Though Circleboom makes deleting tweets a one-click process, please remember that tweet deletion is a permanent process and cannot be recovered. Once you delete all your tweets from Circleboom using the Twitter archive, they are definitely gone forever. So, please be cautious of it before you decide and approve.

The delete Twitter archive feature is available to all Twitter users with the pro, multi, business, and corporate plans. Learn more about the plans and subscribe to begin using Circleboom right away.

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If you have any questions while using the delete old tweets feature of Circleboom, you can let us know in the comments below.

There’s also a small tutorial video that our team has made. You can learn the steps of deleting your Twitter archive with the video below.

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Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.