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Is social media making us antisocial?

Is social media making us antisocial?

. 6 min read

Social media has been an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends, share our experiences, and stay updated with the latest news. However, there's a growing concern that social media might be making us more antisocial. The answer is not straightforward, but evidence suggests that Yes, social media can contribute to antisocial behavior if not used mindfully.

For more detailed information on the impact of social media on our lives, you can read this article. ⬇️
Social media and self-esteem: How does social media affect our lives
Social media is now an undeniable part of our lives. Is social media really liberating as we think? Do we freely reflect our ideas and ourselves as they are?

The Rise of Social Media

Social media usage has skyrocketed over the past decade. According to recent statistics, the average person spends over two hours per day on social media platforms. Initially designed to connect people, social media has evolved into a complex web of interactions, sometimes replacing face-to-face communication with virtual connections.

Did you know that you can reduce your screen time by using a tool that automatically shares your posts?
Social Media Auto Poster: Auto post to social media from one place!
Opting for social media auto poster like thousands of other social media managers, small business owners and digital personas?

Social Isolation and Antisocial Behavior

Numerous studies have highlighted a correlation between heavy social media use and increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. For example, a study from the University of Pennsylvania found that reducing social media use can increase feelings of loneliness and depression. Real-life examples further illustrate this point. Many individuals have reported feeling more isolated despite having numerous online friends and followers. The curated nature of social media, where people often share only the highlights of their lives, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness among users.

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Circleboom Twitter iOS App

Mental Health Impacts

The mental health implications of social media are significant. Research published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology in 2018 indicated that limiting social media use can improve mental well-being. Experts suggest that the constant comparison to others' seemingly perfect lives can lead to anxiety and depression. Personal accounts from social media users often reveal a similar story: the more time they spend online, the more they struggle with their mental health.

The Dual Nature of Social Media

It's important to recognize that social media is not inherently bad. It has positive aspects, such as fostering connections, providing support networks, and offering educational opportunities. The key is to use it mindfully. Setting time limits, curating feeds to include positive content, and ensuring regular offline interactions can help maximize the benefits of social media while minimizing its negative effects.

How to Avoid Becoming Antisocial Due to Social Media

To avoid the pitfalls of social media, consider adopting the following strategies:

Set daily limits on your social media usage and take regular breaks.
Engage in offline activities and prioritize face-to-face interactions.
Use a tool to manage social media. I searched through many options and found the best one: Circleboom.

What is Circleboom Publish?

Circleboom Publish is an effective tool for managing social media accounts efficiently. It allows you to schedule posts, analyze engagement, and manage multiple accounts without the need for constant monitoring.

By using Circleboom Publish, you can reduce the time spent on social media while maintaining an active and organized online presence.

I personally used it to schedule my social media posts, which greatly reduced the time I spent on social media. This allowed me to focus more on other important tasks while still keeping my social media presence active and well-organized.

How to schedule post with Circleboom Publish:

Now, if you're convinced about this powerhouse, let's see how you can schedule 10 or more social media posts a day by using Circleboom Publish:

Step #1: Create your account and log in.

Then, you'll be asked to connect your social accounts.

Connect your social accounts with Circleboom.

Step #2: Once you add your social account, you'll see the "Create New Post" button on the dashboard.

Click "Create New Post" or pick any platform you'd like.

Click "Create new post" and proceed.

Step #3: Pick your social accounts, get through visuals with the design tools, and create your caption with built-in ChatGPT without leaving the platform.

Once these are done, you're actually ready to share or schedule your post. But there is more to help you increase your posting frequency and speed up your content processes.

It's easy to create and share a post with Circleboom.

Step #4: Let's create your calendar so that you don't even need to schedule every other post one by one.

Visit "Time and Queue Settings" to adjust your posting calendar or pick the best times to post with a single click. Then, save your settings for each social account.

Set your calendar and posting queue.

Step #5: You can also take advantage of the content curation feature by clicking on the "Discover Articles" button on the menu.

Here, you can define your article interest from thousands of categories and curated content among 10,000s hand-picked articles to be auto-posted.

Curate articles from all over the web with Circleboom.

Step #6: Last but not least, you can connect some RSS feeds, either from your own sites or outer sources, to make posting on social media as effortless as possible!

Pick your accounts, copy and paste your valid RSS feed URL, set up posting intervals, and enjoy the content flowing into your social timelines by itself!

Connect RSS feeds to achieve true social media automation.

As you see, it's really easy to schedule more than 10 posts a day on social media if you have a powerhouse like Circleboom at your service.

Once you've finished scheduling, you'll see the scheduled posts on the right side of your dashboard.

Check your 10+ scheduled social media posts on your dashboard.

Or you can always visit your outbox to see them in more detail:

You can view your scheduled items in your outbox.

As in the example seen above, I have a total of 13 posts scheduled in my outbox, and 10 of them are for different accounts on a single day. And it took me not more than a few minutes, really.


Social media has the potential to make us antisocial if not used mindfully. However, by being aware of our habits and using tools like Circleboom, we can enjoy the benefits of social media without falling into the trap of social isolation and negative mental health impacts. Reflect on your social media usage and make conscious changes to ensure it enhances your life rather than detracting from it.

If you think you are spending too much time on social media, I highly recommend Circleboom. Connect your account, schedule your posts in advance, and enjoy the rest!  

Arif Akdogan
Arif Akdogan

Passionate digital marketer helping grow through innovative strategies, data-driven insights, and creative content.