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How to Get Off Social Media?

How to Get Off Social Media?

. 5 min read

Scrolling through my social media feeds had become a daily ritual. Every time I opened an app, I'd find myself lost in an endless stream of posts, videos, and updates. What started as a quick check-in would often turn into hours of mindless scrolling. It was time-consuming, and it was taking a toll on my productivity and personal life. That’s when I decided it was time to quit social media.

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Deciding to Quit

The turning point came when I spent an entire weekend glued to my phone, barely interacting with my family or getting anything done. I felt frustrated and disappointed in myself. That’s when I decided: enough was enough. I needed to take control of my time and break free from the clutches of social media. But quitting cold turkey seemed daunting. I needed a strategy, a way to manage my social media without getting sucked in.

Searching for a Solution

I began my quest to find a solution that would help me manage my social media usage without completely cutting it out of my life. I tried various methods—setting time limits, using apps to block access, and even deleting the apps altogether. But nothing seemed to stick. I either bypassed the limits or reinstalled the apps after a few days. The cycle continued, and I felt increasingly frustrated.

AI tools for social media management can be really helpful in this regard. After reading about my journey, you can check out this list. 👇
Best AI Assistants for Social Media Management!
AI assistant tools help you level up your social media experience with auto-generated texts and tools for content creation, sharing, and scheduling!

Discovering Circleboom Publish

Just as I was about to give up, I stumbled upon Circleboom Publish. It was a tool designed to help manage social media accounts without the distraction of endless feeds. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try.

Circleboom Publish offered a centralized platform where I could schedule and publish my social media posts across various platforms. The best part? It allowed me to manage my accounts without having to see the distracting posts that usually sucked me in. This seemed like the perfect solution to my problem.

Circleboom Trusted

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to schedule a post with Circleboom Publish:

Now, if you're convinced about this powerhouse, let's see how you can schedule 10 or more social media posts a day by using Circleboom:

Step #1: Create your account and log in.

Then, you'll be asked to connect your social accounts.

Connect your social accounts with Circleboom.

Step #2: Once you add your social account, you'll see the "Create New Post" button on the dashboard.

Click "Create New Post" or pick any platform you'd like.

Click "Create new post" and proceed.

Step #3: Pick your social accounts, get through visuals with the design tools, and create your caption with built-in ChatGPT without leaving the platform.

Once these are done, you're actually ready to share or schedule your post. But there is more to help you increase your posting frequency and speed up your content processes.

It's easy to create and share a post with Circleboom.

Step #4: Let's create your calendar so that you don't even need to schedule every other post one by one.

Visit "Time and Queue Settings" to adjust your posting calendar or pick the best times to post with a single click. Then, save your settings for each social account.

Set your calendar and posting queue.

Step #5: You can also take advantage of the content curation feature by clicking on the "Discover Articles" button on the menu.

Here, you can define your article interest from thousands of categories and curated content among 10,000s hand-picked articles to be auto-posted.

Curate articles from all over the web with Circleboom.

Step #6: Last but not least, you can connect some RSS feeds, either from your own sites or outer sources, to make posting on social media as effortless as possible!

Pick your accounts, copy and paste your valid RSS feed URL, set up posting intervals, and enjoy the content flowing into your social timelines by itself!

RSS Settings
RSS Settings
Now, Circleboom lets you connect RSS Feed to Pinterest for multiple boards and accounts! ⬇️
RSS Feed to Pinterest | Automate Pinterest Posts
Automate your Pinterest content sharing with RSS feeds. Use Circleboom to keep your boards updated and drive consistent traffic to your website.

As you can see, it's really easy to schedule more than 10 social media posts a day if you have a powerhouse like Circleboom at your service.

Once you've finished scheduling, you'll see the scheduled posts on the right side of your dashboard.

Check your 10+ scheduled social media posts on your dashboard.

Or you can always visit your outbox to see them in more detail:

You can view your scheduled items in your outbox.

As in the example seen above, I have a total of 13 posts scheduled in my outbox, and 10 of them are for different accounts on a single day. And it took me not more than a few minutes, really.

The Positive Impact

The impact was immediate and profound. I found myself with more free time, which I used to focus on my work, hobbies, and spending quality time with my family. My productivity skyrocketed, and I felt more present in my day-to-day life. The anxiety and guilt associated with wasting time on social media began to fade away.

With Circleboom Publish, I could still enjoy the benefits of social media without falling into the trap of endless scrolling. It was the perfect balance.


Reflecting on my journey, I realized that quitting social media didn't have to mean cutting it out entirely. It was about finding the right tools and strategies to manage it effectively. Circleboom Publish was my game-changer. It allowed me to reclaim my time and focus while maintaining an active social media presence.

If you find yourself struggling with the same issue, I encourage you to seek out solutions like Circleboom Publish. It might just be the answer you’re looking for.

Arif Akdogan
Arif Akdogan

Passionate digital marketer helping grow through innovative strategies, data-driven insights, and creative content.