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Why do people unfollow on Twitter, how do you track it?

Why do people unfollow on Twitter, how do you track it?

. 6 min read
Twitter Unfollow Quiz
What is the most common reason people unfollow accounts on Twitter?
A) Too many promotional tweets
B) Lack of engagement
C) Inconsistent posting
D) Irrelevant content

Maintaining a strong follower base on Twitter is crucial for anyone looking to build their online presence, whether you're an individual, a business, or an influencer.

I remember when I first started noticing my follower count dropping; it was quite concerning. I realized that understanding why people unfollow and how to prevent it could help me maintain and grow my audience. Here are the reasons why people unfollow and how to prevent it.

Need better Twitter engagement? Discover actionable steps to improve your engagement rates and build a loyal following. ⬇️
How do you improve your Twitter engagement rate?
To boost your Twitter engagement, try Circleboom and see the difference it can make.

Common Reasons Why People Unfollow on Twitter

1. Overposting or Spamming

Posting too frequently can overwhelm your followers, leading them to unfollow. This is particularly true if your posts dominate their feed and become annoying. Avoid spamming by spacing out your tweets and ensuring each post adds value.

2. Irrelevant Content

Your followers followed you for a reason—likely because they found your content relevant and interesting. Posting content that doesn't align with their interests can lead to unfollows. Stick to topics that resonate with your audience and maintain consistency in your messaging.

CTA Button Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

3. Negative or Controversial Posts

Negativity and controversy can drive followers away. While it's okay to express your opinions, overly negative or controversial posts can alienate your audience. Strive to maintain a positive and constructive tone in your tweets.

4. Lack of Engagement

Twitter is a social platform, and followers expect interaction. Failing to engage with your audience, such as not responding to comments or messages, can make followers feel ignored. Engage actively with your followers to build a loyal community.

5. Inconsistency

Inconsistent posting schedules or content types can confuse your followers. If you go from posting daily to disappearing for weeks, your followers may lose interest. Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged.

Curious about who’s leaving? Discover how to get real-time notifications when someone unfollows you on Twitter. ⬇️
How to get notifications when someone unfollows you on Twitter!
You will get a notification 🔔 as someone unfollow you on Twitter. They won’t escape!

Tips on Maintaining a Strong Follower Base

1. Post Quality Content

Quality always trumps quantity. Focus on creating content that is engaging, informative, and relevant to your followers. High-quality content will keep your audience interested and coming back for more. If you're struggling, you can use tools like the AI Tweet Generator.

AI Tweet Generator
AI Tweet Generator

2. Engage with Your Followers

Interaction is key to building a loyal follower base. Respond to comments, like and retweet relevant posts, and show appreciation to your followers.

Engaging with your audience fosters a sense of community and loyalty.

3. Maintain Consistency

Establish a consistent posting schedule that your followers can rely on. Consistency helps in building a routine for your audience, making them look forward to your posts.

August Calendar
August Calendar

4. Monitor Your Posting Frequency

Find a balance in your posting frequency. Posting too often can be overwhelming, while posting too infrequently can make followers forget about you. Use analytics to determine the optimal posting times and frequency for your audience.

Best Time to Post on Twitter by Circleboom
Best Time to Post on Twitter by Circleboom

5. Stay Positive and Professional

Maintain a positive and professional tone in your tweets. Avoid engaging in unnecessary negativity or controversy. Handle feedback and criticism constructively to maintain a positive image.

Text style
Text style

6. Analyze and Adapt

Regularly analyze your followers' preferences and adapt your content accordingly. Use analytics tools to understand what works and what doesn't. Being responsive to your audience's interests will help in retaining followers.

Follower growth
Follower growth

Using an Unfollow Tracker to Monitor and Improve

When I first started losing followers on Twitter, I couldn't figure out why. I was putting a lot of effort into my posts, but I kept seeing my follower count drop. I knew I needed to understand what was happening, so I decided to use an unfollow tracker to monitor the situation.

I discovered Circleboom Twitter, a tool that offered a feature called "Who Unfollowed Me on Twitter." This feature allowed me to track who unfollowed me in real time. Here’s how it worked for me:

Step#1: As the first step, please go to Circleboom Twitter and login with your active e-mail address.

If you haven't got a Circleboom account yet, you can get one almost immediately!

Find out who unfollowed you on Twitter!

Step#2: Let's authorize Circleboom Twitter via sign with your Twitter account.

Your Twitter account will be connected to the Circleboom dashboard to find out who unfollowed you on Twitter.

Connect your Twitter account to Circleboom.

Step#3: You will see the "Followers" tab on the left. Navigate to it!

Then you will see the "Who Unfollowed Me?" option there.

Who Unfollowed Me?
Who Unfollowed Me?

Step #4: You will be able to check your Twitter unfollowers. If you wish, you can visit their Twitter profile and unfollow them!

Here are your Twitter unfollowers identified by Circleboom:

Twitter unfollowers

And, you can set up "Unfollowers Alert" to get notified immediately as someone unfollows you on Twitter!

Set up Unfollower Alert
Set up Unfollower Alert

Circleboom Twitter iOS App
Circleboom Twitter iOS App


Maintaining a strong follower base on Twitter requires understanding why people unfollow and implementing strategies to prevent it. By posting quality content, engaging with your audience, maintaining consistency, and using tools like Circleboom Twitter, you can ensure a loyal and growing follower base.

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Arif Akdogan
Arif Akdogan

Passionate digital marketer helping grow through innovative strategies, data-driven insights, and creative content.