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Twitter Management v2 by Circleboom: Elevating Twitter Experience with New Update

Twitter Management v2 by Circleboom: Elevating Twitter Experience with New Update

. 9 min read

As the co-founder and Product Owner of Circleboom, I am happy to announce that Circleboom, the leading Twitter management tool, has unveiled its highly anticipated version 2, introducing a range of new features and enhancements after eight months of dedication and hard work!

I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the exceptional team of developers at Circleboom. Their unwavering dedication, relentless hard work, and unwavering commitment to excellence have made the remarkable upgrade to Circleboom v2 possible.

Their tireless efforts, countless hours of brainstorming, and meticulous attention to detail have transformed our vision into a reality. I am truly in awe of their intelligence, expertise, and the sacrifices they have made to ensure that our users have access to an outstanding Twitter management tool. Their collective brilliance has propelled Circleboom to new heights, and I am privileged to work alongside such an extraordinary team.

Circleboom Twitter v2 brings forth a host of improvements, including revamped visuals, compliance with Twitter API v2, faster dashboard transitions, and the innovative addition of the Twitter Account Quality Score.

Changes on Circleboom with the new update

There are improvements provided by Circleboom Twitter v2:

  • Compliance with Twitter API v2
  • Twitter Account Quality Score
  • Follower & Friends Engagement
  • Enhanced visuals and graphics
  • AI Tweet Generator powered by OpenAI ( Chatgpt)
  • Improved performance and user experience
  • Deleting tweets and likes without limits - No 3200 limits!
  • New Account Search tool with enhanced filters
  • Export Followers & Friends Feature
  • Who Unfollowed Me ( coming soon)
  • Unfollow Alert 🔔 ( coming soon)
  • Twitter Circle Analysis ( coming soon)
  • Twitter Brand Benchmarking - Competitor Brand Monitoring - ( coming soon)

Let me give you more details about what has changed in Circleboom Twitter one by one!

Introducing Twitter Account Quality Score

Twitter Account Quality Score

One of the standout additions in Circleboom v2 is the introduction of the Twitter Account Quality Score. This innovative feature analyzes various parameters, including tweeting habits, follower profiles, and engagement metrics, to provide users with an insightful evaluation of their account's quality. The Account Quality Score empowers users to gauge their Twitter strategies' effectiveness, identify improvement areas, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their overall social media presence.

How do we calculate Twitter Account Quality Score?

Circleboom utilizes different parameters in the algorithm behind calculating Account Quality Score.

#1 Engagement level: The first one of these factors is your Twitter engagement level. If you are a high-engagement user on Twitter, it adds more points to your quality score than a medium or low-engagement user.

You can be a high-engagement Twitter user simply by sharing more content. If you think you don't have enough time, energy, and creativity to create Twitter content, you can always use Circleboom's AI Tweet Generator!

Thanks to OpenAI and Canva integration on Circleboom, users easily create and design their texts and images for tweets and share them for their multiple Twitter accounts with relevant hashtags provided by Twitter Hashtag Generator. You can send your posts immediately or schedule them for a later time!

Twitter Hashtag Generator

You have a direct link on Circleboom Twitter's dashboard to AI Tweet Generator.

AI Tweet Generator

#2 Follower engagement The second parameter is your followers and their quality. More followers will help you get more account quality scores. However, their engagement levels and authenticity are equally important.

What do I mean here? If you have "real" and "high engagement" followers, you get more points for your Account Quality Score. So, you should avoid fake followers and mass remove them if you have them!

Maintaining an engaged and active follower base is crucial. If you notice a large number of inactive followers in your network, it may be beneficial to take steps to minimize their presence. Doing so will ultimately enhance the quality of your account and ensure your content reaches an engaged audience. You can check your inactive followers.

#4 Authenticity of followers

An account's quality score benefits from having a low percentage of fake followers. More authentic followers mean a higher quality score. You can easily spot and remove fake followers and clean your Twitter profile with Fake Account Checker.

#5 Number of Followers: While accounts with a large number of followers may seemingly have an advantage, the quality of those followers truly counts. We value engaging, genuine followers over sheer numbers. Hitting certain follower count thresholds can contribute to the quality score, but maintaining an audience of active, authentic followers holds far greater value in our evaluation.

With our 'Twitter Followers Analytics' feature, you have the power to visualize your follower growth trends. This tool provides an intuitive graphical interface, enabling you to track your progression and fine-tune your audience engagement strategies effectively  

Leverage Circleboom's 'Follower Analysis' to better understand your audience. The 'Twitter Follower Friends Interest Cloud' tool is particularly useful, parsing data from your followers' bios and tweets to form a detailed interest profile. This valuable insight can guide your content decisions, helping you share posts that align with your followers' preferences

Twitter Interest Targeting
Twitter Follower Interest Cloud

#5 Account age: The "Join Date" of a Twitter account can factor into the calculation of your quality score. While older accounts may see some incremental benefits, it's important to note that this is just one of many variables in the overall scoring mechanism

It's essential to note that newer accounts are not at a disadvantage. Our algorithm approaches each account uniquely, factoring in diverse elements in its evaluation, thus ensuring that even recent accounts can attain a high-quality score. So, while an older account may gain some points due to its longevity, it is by no means a definitive factor in the overall quality score.

Circleboom's 'Twitter Account Quality Score' is designed to offer users insightful data about the health and authenticity of their profiles. Regardless of whether you have a new or old account, you can view your score and utilize our tips to enhance it. We're committed to ensuring all users have the tools they need to grow and maintain a high-quality Twitter presence

You can check your Twitter Follower's Joined date with circleboom.

Tips for higher Twitter Authority Score

You can get a higher Authority Score with these tips if you implement them properly. Do not worry! All can be done with Circleboom!

#1 Monitor your Twitter audience and clean it up

The New Twitter algorithm considers your Twitter audience's health while deciding whether you are a trusted user.

If you are followed by fake, inactive accounts, Twitter thinks you can be one of them. So, your content will be outranked. This will mean a lower authority score on Circleboom as well.

inactive followers

So, you should audit your Twitter profile with Circleboom, spot inactive, spam accounts, and remove them from your list.

#2 Surround yourself with high-engagement, quality followers

In the first step, you cleaned up your Twitter profile from low-engagement followers. Now, it is your turn to find high-engagement accounts with high-quality scores.

You can utilize Circleboom's advanced "Search Tool" to find like-minded, high-quality profiles to follow. You can use really special filters to narrow down your search.

New search filters
New search filters

#3 Tweet Smart!

You need to create engaging content to attract real people who share the same tastes as you. If you find it difficult to create quality tweets regularly, you can tweet smart with Circleboom's AI Tweet Generator!

AI Suggestions

You can auto-generate engaging tweets on every subject, with every style, thanks to Circleboom's AI-Powered Tweet Generator. You can create educational, funny, optimistic and many other kinds of tweets and grow your followers.

Deleting tweets and likes without limits

With the groundbreaking upgrade to Circleboom v2, users now have the power to take control of their Twitter data like never before. One of the standout features of this update is the ability to delete more than 3200 tweets and likes, surpassing the previous limitations imposed by Twitter.

This game-changing enhancement empowers users to effortlessly clear their tweet history and eliminate unwanted likes, providing them with the ultimate freedom to curate their online presence. By enabling users to seamlessly manage their Twitter data without any constraints, Circleboom v2 ensures that individuals can confidently shape their digital footprint and maintain a polished and relevant online identity.

Delete all tweets

To use this feature and delete more than 3200 tweets and likes, you should download your Twitter archive, upload .js files and let Circleboom do the rest!

Enhanced Visuals and Graphics

In its latest update, Circleboom v2 boasts a fresh and modernized visual design, offering users an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive interface. With attention to detail and user-centricity, the upgraded visuals elevate the overall user experience, making it easier and more enjoyable to navigate through the various features and functionalities offered by Circleboom.

Circleboom - new dashboard

You can continue to enjoy viewing valuable insights about your Twitter friends and followers in various subjects. You can see their gender, language, and tweet statistics, which will be highly beneficial in building a strong Twitter strategy.

Follower analysis is key to understanding why you are successful or not on Twitter. You can now export the list of your or someone's Twitter followers on Circleboom to truly know who they are and what they are looking for!

Compliance with Twitter API v2

As a Twitter partner company, Circleboom has diligently adhered to the guidelines set forth by Twitter. With the upgrade to v2, the tool ensures seamless integration with the latest version of Twitter API, allowing users to take full advantage of Twitter's advanced features while maintaining compliance with the platform's regulations. This commitment to compliance underscores Circleboom's dedication to protecting its users' accounts and data.

Improved Performance and User Experience

Circleboom v2 prioritizes performance enhancements to provide users with a smoother and faster management experience. The upgraded dashboard facilitates swift and efficient transitions between different sections and features, minimizing waiting times and optimizing productivity. Users can now accomplish their Twitter management tasks faster and more efficiently, streamlining their social media workflows.

New Search tool with enhanced filters  

Circleboom Twitter v2 revolutionizes the way users discover and connect with targeted users on Twitter through its enhanced search tool. With the addition of new filters, individuals now have an extensive range of options to precisely refine their search and identify users who align with their specific interests and goals.

Whether it's creating curated Twitter lists, seeking out experts in their niches, or analyzing the authenticity of profiles, Circleboom v2 equips users with the tools they need to make informed decisions. By offering comprehensive search filters, users can seamlessly navigate through the vast Twitter landscape, ensuring they engage with relevant and trustworthy accounts while avoiding potentially harmful profiles. This powerful functionality empowers users to streamline their social media strategies and foster meaningful connections within their desired communities.

New search filters
New search filters

Export Twitter Followers & Friends

Managing your Twitter followers and followings can be a time-consuming and energy-draining task, involving scrolling through lists and manually checking each account individually.

Unsurprisingly, many users seek ways to streamline this process by exporting their Twitter followers and following lists. Thankfully, with Circleboom Twitter's comprehensive list management tool, you can effortlessly obtain a list of your Twitter followers and followings, simplifying the management of your account and saving valuable time.

Export your followers and friends

Say goodbye to tedious manual checks and embrace Circleboom's efficient solution to optimize your Twitter experience. You can export your Twitter followers and friends into Excel, CSV, and PDF.

See Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

While growing your followers, you should keep existing ones. On Circleboom, you can see who unfollowed you on Twitter. This is a strategic feature because this way you can find out what works on Twitter and what doesn't!

See who unfollowed me

Never underestimate the importance of first impressions when it comes to expanding your Twitter following. Your followers-to-following ratio plays a vital role in shaping the initial impression your potential audience forms. Therefore, it's essential to monitor your follower and following counts and strive for a balanced and attractive ratio.

The key challenge in maintaining a healthy follower ratio lies in identifying those who don't reciprocate your follow on Twitter. To ensure a more gratifying Twitter experience, locating and managing these Twitter unfollowers effectively becomes crucial.

Look no further than Circleboom Twitter as the ultimate solution to cleanse your Twitter account of those who have unfollowed you. With its powerful features, Circleboom empowers you to maintain a harmonious followers-to-following ratio and create a positive and engaging presence on Twitter. Take control of your Twitter journey with Circleboom's user-friendly and efficient tools.

Set Unfollower Alert 🔔

Also, you can set a "Unfollow Alert" and get notified immediately when someone unfollows you on Twitter.

You will receive an email when you lose a follower. They won't escape!

Let's Boom Your Circle

With Circleboom v2, users can unlock the full potential of their Twitter management efforts. The upgraded tool combines enhanced graphics, compliance with Twitter API v2, improved performance, limitless deleting services, enhanced search experience, and the unique addition of Twitter Account Quality Score to deliver an unparalleled experience.

As Circleboom continues to evolve and innovate, it remains committed to assisting users in managing their Twitter presence effectively, while prioritizing their safety and security in the ever-changing landscape of social media.

Kevin O. Frank
Kevin O. Frank

Co-founder and Product Owner @circleboom #DataAnalysis #onlinejournalism #DigitalDiplomacy #CrisesCommunication #newmedia