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How to add RSS feeds to Twitter: Auto Post RSS to Twitter in seconds!

How to add RSS feeds to Twitter: Auto Post RSS to Twitter in seconds!

. 6 min read
You can automate your Twitter account with frequent RSS updates!

You may see the news sites or blogs you want to follow collectively by doing the RSS feed to Twitter configuration, sharing them, and creating traffic by linking to your site using these contents. So, how to post RSS to Twitter?

How to post RSS to Twitter on Circleboom!

Follow these steps to post RSS Feeds to Twitter with Circleboom!

Step#1: First, you need to log into your Circleboom Publish account with your Twitter profile.

It will take only a few seconds to log in to Circleboom.

Twitter management tool
Twitter management tool

Step#2: Navigate to the left and select "Connect a new RSS Feed"

You will be directed to where you can add your RSS Feeds.

Connect a new RSS Feed
Connect a new RSS Feed

Step #3: Copy and paste your RSS feed URL into the URL box stated in the first red box below. You can add your website’s RSS feed to Twitter if you have one.

You can also look for other RSS feeds blogs, news sites, other publishers in your niche, or those who create content you wish to share. Then, copy the RSS feed link, and add it here.

Add your RSS Feed

Name: Also, give the feed a title so you can recognize it later in the section called name. You can add beginning and end texts to standardize the intro texts of the auto-post RSS feed.

Check the feed: After choosing the intervals to check the feed automatically, max posts per update and daily maximum post counts, save these preferences.

Max posts per update & Daily maximum post: Circleboom does not submit all RSS feed updates at once to avoid spam. Each post per interval is automatically spaced 2 minutes apart. Circleboom can spread your posts over 6 minutes if you choose three posts per cycle. This automation rule prevents you from being a spammer.

Pro Tip

If you want to use URLs in your tweets, turn on the share URLs function as seen below.

Share your website's RSS feed URLs to track your website traffic
Share your website's RSS feed URLs to track your website traffic

If you have another RSS link to add, repeat the same process by clicking on the + Add an RSS feed now button.

RSS Feed (Active/Passive)

You can make your RSS feed active or passive at any time. If your RSS feed is disabled, Circleboom can only turn it from active to suspended.

Check to see if your RSS feeds are up and running. Press the save button when you’re done with your plan.

If you’re a pro user, you can add up to 50 RSS Feeds to your account.

In case your RSS rules are not working, or you see failed RSS tweets

  • First, make sure your RSS link is still active.
  • Second, review your regular limitations. It’s easy to exceed planned daily limits. Do not forget to keep track of your daily Twitter limits.

Wait for a while if the issue continues. The Twitter API may cause the issue as well. Circleboom reviews every RSS connection regularly and tries to deliver your Tweets within Twitter’s rate limits.

What is an RSS Feed?

Many websites have buttons such as “Follow our content with RSS subscription” that you might have seen while browsing the internet. Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary is the explanation of RSS.

Users can connect with online content on websites more easily, thanks to RSS. You don’t have to search a website for updates every day if you use RSS. You may instead subscribe to the RSS feed.

If the pages you follow have new content, they will be shown to you as a single page. You can access up-to-date material on the blogs you follow, much as you do if you subscribed to a newspaper and read a new topic every day.

It is quite simple to create an RSS feed, and many websites including, major news sites from around the world, use this feature to feed their users with new info.

With basic XML codes, this feature has eased the lives of website managers, marketers, and the end-user, readers.

So, why do websites prefer the RSS feed feature?

RSS feeds are favored by many users to always stay connected to topics they are interested
RSS feeds are favored by many users to always stay connected to topics they are interested

RSS decreases the likelihood of a site’s users leaving it by keeping them updated about new content.

Users who are subscribed to RSS feeds will be reminded of the site’s presence.

Once they are in place, they create a habit for the users, like reading their daily newspaper.

Serving new content or posts increases the repost or reshares of that content, hence the engagement.

What does this feature mean for social media content management?

If we think about why people use RSS, we can also figure out how to use RSS for social media content management.

There are many reasons, such as reading the news, reading your favorite blog content and maybe sharing it later, following the markets.

How can RSS work to serve content to your audiences?

If you want lots of followers and high engagement, sharing content well and consistently is the first rule.

However, it is not always possible to find content or rather to create unique content.

Or, depending on your niche, if you are fed from other channels, you will already need to research and browse the web regularly.

If you want to automatically drive traffic to your webpage through your Twitter account(s) by adding your webpage’s RSS feed to your Twitter account, or any other webpage/blog RSS feed to your Twitter account, Circleboom’s RSS feed to Twitter tool makes it possible within only a few minutes.

Post RSS To Twitter on Circleboom

Auto-post from RSS to Twitter with Circleboom!


How can you create an RSS Feed of your website?

The easiest way to create your RSS feed is using the RSS app website.

Here, I'm going to explain how you can create an RSS feed of your website in three super-simple steps.

#1 Go to the RSS app and click on "Get Started Now" page creates RSS feeds for your websites Website
Webpage to RSS Feed section allow to create your website's RSS feed link
Webpage to RSS Feed
You enter your website's link and creates RSS feed for you

Set auto-tweets and share tweets without logging into Twitter

Knowing how to automatically tweet your new posts can make your life much easier and help you reach a larger audience, increasing your impressions and engagement.

To achieve this, you need to create an RSS Feed for your website and link it to your Twitter accounts on Circleboom Publish. Once set up, your RSS Feed will automatically tweet your new posts to your Twitter accounts.


If you are constantly searching for recent news or popular content and wish to grow your Twitter audience, why not consider auto-post RSS feed to Twitter?

Nowadays, we all love the apps or tools that do the work for us. These include news curation portals, or summarizing email subscriptions, and news updates at the end of the day.

It means that, most likely, your followers will be glad to see the relevant content, whether news, blog posts from well-known sites, or scientific updates, is being reported to them with proper curation since this automation will keep your Twitter profile active and make you appear well-informed on the relevant topic.

Hence, instead of searching each possible publication or website separately, people will follow you!

As Circleboom RSS feed to Twitter will perform this content search and publish steps automatically aligned with Twitter rules and policies, you can rest with a clear mind.

No hassle, no panic to alert yourself for each news or update.

Kevin O. Frank
Kevin O. Frank

Co-founder and Product Owner @circleboom #DataAnalysis #onlinejournalism #DigitalDiplomacy #CrisesCommunication #newmedia