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Quickest Way to Track your Twitter Account

Quickest Way to Track your Twitter Account

. 4 min read

Most Twitter users like to track Twitter followers because it helps them understand how to grow and maintain their Twitter account. If you want to learn how your tweets affect your follower growth, then this article is perfect for you. It will also help you learn which of your followers are your friends and who don’t follow you back. So, let’s look at some ways to track your Twitter followers and maintain them.

There are two aspects of tracking Twitter followers:
Part 1: When and How Often? This involves understanding how your follower number changes and how often you get new followers or lose old followers.
Part 2: Who? This would involve finding the accounts that joined or left your Twitter account.

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Part 1: Understand your Twitter Followers’ Analytics:

Understanding the numbers behind your Twitter followers is the first thing to do when tracking your Twitter followers. To learn your followers’ insights, just log in to the Circleboom dashboard and click on “Analytics” on the menu.
You can check how your followers are changing every day with the Circleboom follower stats. The daily change graph shows how many followers you gain or lose on a daily basis.

track Twitter followers

With the follower characteristics, you can check how many of your followers are fake and human. You can also learn if your followers are spammy or talkative or inactive.

track Twitter followers

Regularly checking your Twitter analytics can help you see if you’re losing your followers too much. It can also help you with your Twitter audit and know if you’re actually engaging with real followers or not.

Part 2: Track All your Twitter Followers and Unfollowers:

To track each of your Twitter followers, you can use Circleboom’s “Lost focus” tool. The tool is very effective in spotting those accounts that do not follow you anymore. The filters help you

To check for your lost followers, simply follow these steps:

  • Login to the Circleboom dashboard by authenticating your Twitter login.
  • Click on the menu on the left of Circleboom’s Dashboard. Click on “The Circle” and then from the sub-menu, click on “Lost Focus”
  • Circleboom will give you a list of Twitter accounts who have recently lost focus of your Twitter account. You can visit those accounts by clicking on the red “Visit” button and then choose to follow or not follow them.
track Twitter followers

These three steps can help you maintain your Twitter followers in a few easy clicks. You can also track fake or spammy accounts from the “The Circle” menu.

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With Circleboom, you can also find new accounts that you can follow. You can search for specific hashtags and keywords and follow accounts. The tool also lists accounts that follow you so if you wish to follow them too, you can do that.

  • Go to the Circleboom dashboard and click on “Search” icon on the left menu. Under “Search”, click on “Smart Search” to find new accounts by keywords. Click on “Needs Attention” to find accounts who follow you.
  • Click on the blue “Visit button next to every Twitter user to visit their account and choose to follow them.

The Last Part:

Following all the steps above can help you easily track Twitter followers. The best part is that you can do this with Circleboom’s free plan itself. It’s more important to know that tracking your followers is the secondary process in growing your Twitter account. The primary step is to share engaging and interesting tweets for your Twitter followers.

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Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.