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Is Pinterest good for eCommerce? (You bet it is!)

Is Pinterest good for eCommerce? (You bet it is!)

. 9 min read

Let's face it: In the world of eCommerce, every marketing avenue counts. You've crafted your website, optimized your product listings, and maybe even created some carousel ads to promote multiple products at once or used some hyper-targeted Twitter ads to pinpoint your audience. But have you considered the hidden gem that is Pinterest for eCommerce?

Now, you might be wondering, "Is Pinterest really good for e-commerce?". The answer is a resounding yes! With its visually appealing interface and a user base eager to discover and shop, Pinterest is not just a social network; it’s a powerful sales channel.

We'll dive into why Pinterest is a visual powerhouse waiting to take your online store to new heights. And I'll also be talking about a Pinterest tool to help you save time and effort throughout your efforts on Pinterest and e-commerce.

Here's a sneak peek into it:

Manage your Pinterest accounts with Circleboom Publish

Circleboom lets you create, design, post, and schedule Pinterest pins for multiple Pinterest accounts with multiple boards.


Pinterest marketing for e-commerce

Think of Pinterest as a mood board on steroids—a place where people actively seek inspiration for their next purchase. Unlike other social media platforms, where users are passively scrolling, Pinners (that's what Pinterest users are called) are there to discover new products and ideas.

In other words, Pinterest users are in "shopping mode". They are actively looking for inspiration, often at the very beginning of the buying journey. They're not just browsing; they're saving ideas and clicking through to websites to learn more. This targeted audience with purchase intent makes Pinterest a strategic goldmine for e-commerce businesses.

This targeted audience makes Pinterest marketing for eCommerce a dream. You can create a Pinterest business account and showcase your products in a visually captivating way, right when potential customers are in that crucial "discovery mode." It's like having a virtual storefront nestled right in the heart of their inspiration journey.

Pinterest is where eye-catching visuals meet strategic placement, creating a seamless path from ‘just browsing’ to ‘add to cart’. For eCommerce businesses, Pinterest offers a treasure trove of tools designed to showcase products, tell a brand’s story, engage with a community that’s ready to shop, and even go viral to boost your brand. It’s about creating a narrative that not only displays your products but also illustrates how they fit into the aspirational lives of your audience.

One has to know the fundamentals of Pinterest marketing before using Pinterest for eCommerce. So here's another article if you're into learning more about how to craft a Pinterest marketing strategy ⬇️ :
Steal our chart of Pinterest Marketing strategy for 2024
Pinterest SEO and promoted Pins should be the Pinterest marketing elements to focus on while boosting shop traffic for your business.

Pinterest Strategy for eCommerce

So, you're convinced Pinterest is a goldmine for ecommerce. Now what?

Here's where a killer Pinterest strategy for eCommerce comes in.

Killer Pinterest Strategy for E-Commerce
Killer Pinterest Strategy for E-Commerce
  • Know your audience:  Understanding your ideal customer is key on any platform, and Pinterest is no exception.  Who are you trying to reach?  What are their interests and aspirations?  Tailor your boards and pins to resonate with their visual language and buying habits.
  • Content is king (and queen):  High-quality and high-resolution images and videos (Yes, videos! See more below.) reign supreme. Showcase your products from multiple angles, in use-case scenarios, and styled to perfection. For example, if you're a clothing retailer selling event-focused dresses, you can showcase photos and videos of the latest cocktail attire and outfits with your audience. Remember, captivating visuals are the key that unlocks the door to clicks and conversions.

How to upload videos on Pinterest
If you want to learn how to upload videos on Pinterest, now you are in the right spot! This article will present you with a step-by-step guide to uploading and sharing videos on Pinterest.

  • SEO savvy:  Optimize your profile and boards with relevant keywords. Think about what people might search for when looking for products like yours, and incorporate those keywords naturally into your titles and descriptions.
Do you find it challenging to write descriptions for your pins? Circleboom's AI Pinterest Description Generator helps you write the best titles and descriptions! ⬇️
AI-Powered Pinterest Description Generator by Circleboom
If you lack the experience and creativity necessary to find the perfect description for pins, Circleboom’s AI-Powered Pinterest Description Generator helps you auto-generate amazing texts that reflect perfectly your Pinterest pictures and videos.
  • Boards with a purpose:  Organize your pins into strategic boards that cater to different customer needs and buying stages. Create "Lookbook" boards for inspiration, "How-To" boards with product tutorials, and "Gift Guide" boards for seasonal promotions.

Read our guide below if you're having a hard time managing multiple Pinterest boards at once. ⬇️

Pinterest Management: 8 Tips to organize Pinterest boards!
One of the essential know-how to be successful is to know how to manage Pinterest boards. In this blog, we explain the best ways to manage multiple Pinterest boards and pins so that you can take your Pinterest strategy to the next level.

  • Engage and collaborate: Pinterest is a social platform, so be social! Respond to comments, participate in conversations, and run contests to build a community around your brand. Also, try to partner with micro influencers as well as macro influencers to cross-promote your products and reach new audiences.

New to influencer marketing? Then you definitely need to go through this article ⬇️:

Influencer Marketing Tips: Boost Your Marketing Strategy in 2024
By following these influencer marketing tips, you can leverage your marketing strategy and create a successful influencer marketing campaign.

Developing a Pinterest strategy for eCommerce is akin to curating an art gallery. Every pin, board, and interaction is a brushstroke that contributes to the bigger picture.

It’s about understanding the platform’s algorithm, leveraging rich pins, and tapping into analytics to refine your approach. A strategic presence on Pinterest can lead to increased traffic, higher conversion rates, and a loyal customer base that returns time and time again.

How to use Pinterest for eCommerce

Leveraging Pinterest for eCommerce means taking advantage of all the tools the platform offers. From rich pins that provide extra context to promoted pins designed to boost visibility, there’s a suite of features designed to enhance the shopping experience and simplify the path to purchase.

Here are a few things you may want to consider to effectively utilize Pinterest for ecommerce:

  • Make sure the visuals you pin are of high quality, captivating, original, and properly sized.
  • Ensure a steady flow of content. Learning the best times to post on Pinterest and scheduling your pins in advance might help you with this.
  • Design your pins to include texts from time so that you'll be providing additional context and catching a user’s attention.
  • Write keyword-rich descriptions and boards with popular and relevant hashtags. This can help your pins show up in relevant search results.
  • Use the power of generative AI to help you generate captions for your pins. This will not only save you time but also keep you original.
  • Last but not least, always add a link to your pin descriptions. Driving traffic to your e-commerce is one of the main points anyway, right?
Pinterest for eCommerce
Pinterest for eCommerce

But what if you're too exhausted to create content time and time again? Or you don't want to deal with your posting times manually? And what about designing high-quality visuals at the right sizes and finding the correct hashtags? I can list dozens of more tasks that would sound robotic after a while, not to mention the limits of human creativity, to be honest.

Wouldn't you like to automate your Pinterest pins and boost your eCommerce sales through that easily? If your answer is yes, then let me introduce you to a tool that would help you: The Pinterest scheduler of Circleboom Publish.

Pinterest Scheduler | Create & Schedule Pinterest Pins
Need a handy Pinterest scheduler that you can create and schedule your pins to auto-post to Pinterest? You can schedule Pinterest pins via Circleboom Publish!

Yes, it was originally designed as an AI-powered Pinterest scheduler, like a better alternative to Tailwind, but its current features that enable you to

  • create,
  • design,
  • schedule, and
  • even automate your pins, making it a fully functional Pinterest automation tool.

Using Pinterest for ecommerce? Then utilize Circleboom!

Announce products, launch campaigns, create appealing visuals and texts to be boosted, and even manage multiple Pinterest accounts... All for the sake of driving sales through your eCommerce, and all made possible on a single dashboard with Circleboom!

The best part is yet to come: It offers a 14-day free trial for you to experience and benefit from all these yourself!

Now all these are more or less organic efforts. So let's also talk a bit about Pinterest ads

Pinterest ads for ecommerce

Pinterest ads allow you to target specific users with precision, ensuring your products are seen by those most likely to be interested. Once you start utilizing Pinterest ads for ecommerce, you can pick your audience based on demographics, interests, and even purchase behavior.

This laser-focused approach ensures that you reach out to the users with high possibilities of making a purchase. And with a variety of ad formats, from single image ads to carousel ads, you can showcase your products in a way that captivates and compels.

PRO TIP: Check out Pinterest trends from time to time to see what is trending for your audience.
If you're keen on using Pinterest ads for ecommerce, you should know the trends.

After going through many different methods and strategies, now let's solidify them with an example case.

Pinterest ecommerce case study example

I had a friend who used to create digital campaigns for retailers, and he once told me about a company selling handcrafted jewelry. After actively using Pinterest, the company experienced a surge in website traffic and a significant increase in sales. With such a product line and relatively lower advertising costs compared to those of other platforms, they managed to keep the profitability high too!

This doesn't even need to be a real-life case. Think of a clothing brand targeting eco-conscious millennials. What if they create captivating boards showcasing their organic cotton clothing styled in nature-inspired settings, and promote their latest sustainable collection via Pinterest ads to attract the perfect audience with stunning visuals and targeted keywords? I'm sure the results would be increased brand awareness, and boosted sales!


Pinterest is more than good for eCommerce; it’s an essential component of a modern digital marketing strategy. By using Pinterest for ecommerce, brands can tap into a world of engaged consumers ready to be inspired and make a purchase.

Whether through organic content or Pinterest ads, Pinterest has the potential to drive eCommerce. As we’ve seen, a strategic approach to Pinterest can lead to measurable growth and a robust online presence. Circleboom can also be one of your greatest assistants if you're using Pinterest for e-commerce.

Fatih Kemal Oksuzoglu
Fatih Kemal Oksuzoglu

Passionate about the latest trends and developments in the digital world, all the way from social media marketing to cybersecurity, and enjoys sharing his insights and tips.