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How can I delete all my tweets and likes

How can I delete all my tweets and likes

. 4 min read

Unliking tweet likes and deleting tweets are two cumbersome processes to be performed on Twitter. We often want to delete Twitter likes when we have liked too many tweets in the past but now we are not interested in that topic or person. We also want to delete tweets when we regret posting something in the past or do not stand by our tweets anymore.

You could have the vaguest possible reason to get rid of Twitter likes or tweets, and this article will help you out get through. We will learn the quickest and simplest ways to delete tweets and unlike tweet likes.

Why delete all tweets and how to do so:

You could delete all tweets for some of the most crucial reasons like:

  • Starting your Twitter account over again with new tweets.
  • Getting rid of your past tweets that don’t matter anymore.
  • Change in career/profession.

You could also feel like deleting all tweets for some other reasons like:

  • You can’t make up your mind whether to delete your Twitter account or not, so you go on with deleting all tweets.
  • Your Twitter account has been compromised with unknown tweets that you want to delete.

If any reason has led you to delete all tweets, use Circleboom tweet delete feature to delete all tweets. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Download your Twitter archive from Twitter by downloading your Twitter data.
  • Login to the Circleboom dashboard and go to My Tweets” → “Delete old tweets.”
  • To upload your Twitter archive, upload your tweet.js file from your Twitter archive folder on Circleboom.
  • Select filters based on the tweets you want to delete. If you want to delete all tweets, retweets, and replies, then check all the boxes. If you only want to delete some items, check the required boxes.
  • You can also add additional filters like date filter, keywords, and language to delete tweets.  Remember that tweets once deleted cannot be recovered.
How do I delete all retweets? Bulk delete in a click!
By following simple steps, you can get rid of all the old retweets effortlessly. In this article, we will demonstrate the exact steps that will help you bulk delete retweets from your Twitter account.

Why delete Twitter likes and how to do so:

Unliking tweets is a common phenomenon on Twitter with the need to unlike tweets as:

  • You want to disassociate yourself with any Twitter account and hence you want to delete all tweet likes that you have liked before.
  • There’s a need to delete old likes because you have had a change of political opinion/ideologies etc and you don’t want to associate with the old ones.

To delete Twitter likes in the fastest manner possible, it’s best to use Circleboom. Circleboom's unlike feature quickly allows you to unlike tweets. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Login to the Circleboom dashboard by authenticating your Twitter account.
  • Go the Circleboom menu on the left and select My Tweets from the menu. From the drop-down, select “Unlike” from the sub-menu.
  • Circleboom will list all your recent 3,200 liked tweets. You can unlike all tweets by clicking on “Unlike All” button on the Circleboom dashboard. To unlike selected tweets, you can select tweets that you want to unlike and click on “Unlike Selected.”
unlike all tweets

Final Words:

This article is a great guideline for anyone looking to start afresh on Twitter. It helps you in deleting old tweets and unliking liked tweets. If you have any confusion in using the Circleboom app, refer to the help section or contact support for an immediate response.

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Why do people want to delete their old tweets?
Infact, at times, deleting old tweets is the only way forward, the clean slate that allows you to start afresh. In this article, we will look at some of the most common reasons why people want to delete their tweets.

Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.