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Featuring The Blacklist and Converting The Whitelist to Twitter Lists

Featuring The Blacklist and Converting The Whitelist to Twitter Lists

. 2 min read

Ever thought about a button to hide that profile coming up every time you repeat a search, check someone else’s followers or friends? You’re not alone! We felt the same thing, and decided to bring “The Blacklist” feature in as a Christmas Gift!

Delete/Unlike All Tweets or Multiple Tweets in Seconds
Give me back my likes! Is that even a thing? Can you unlike all tweets fromTwitter in a few seconds? Yes, you can, and that too by following very simplesteps. It’s even possible to look for specific tweets and unlike them. This newfeature has been rolled out by Circleboom […

It almost works as same as the Whitelist which protects your friends from accidental unfollows during fast-clicks but protects you to follow unwanted profiles accidentally. By default, we exclude the blacklist results from the searches unless you say so. Just click on the profile checkboxes on the grid, and click on to the “Black button” with the text “Add selected to Blacklist.”

Today’s second feature is “Convert Whitelists and Blacklists to Twitter Lists.” Ok, we’re protecting them or you from mistakes, but you may want to take a peek about what they’re sharing on Twitter, right?

To convert your white & blacklist to Twitter lists;
1- Go to your desired list’s page (The Whitelist, The Blacklist)
2- Select the accounts you want to add to a Twitter list
3- Click on the “Blue button” with the text “Add selected to Twitter List.”
4- Create a new Twitter List or add to an existing one.

Happy Holidays to all!

Atakan Eser
Atakan Eser

Developer, product guy, mobile lover, mountain biker, co-founder & CTO @circleboom.