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Delete/Unlike All Tweets or Multiple Tweets in Seconds

Delete/Unlike All Tweets or Multiple Tweets in Seconds

. 5 min read

Give me back my likes! Is that even a thing? Can you unlike all tweets from Twitter in a few seconds? Yes, you can, and that too by following very simple steps. It’s even possible to look for specific tweets and unlike them. This new feature has been rolled out by Circleboom last week and it aims to let you undo all Twitter likes in a jiff.

Let’s learn how you can use Circleboom to unlike all tweets or selected tweets.

How to Unlike All Tweets

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You can unlike your most recent 3,200 tweets with Circleboom. As per Twitter, only 3,200 tweets can be accessed for any Twitter profile, so you can delete likes from your most recent 3,200 tweets with the tips below.

Step #1: Login to the Circleboom dashboard by authenticating your Twitter account.

Step #2: Go the Circleboom menu on the left and select My Tweets from the menu.

Step #3: Click on the drop-down and select “Unlike” from the sub-menu.

unlike all tweets

Step #4: You can see your most 3,200 liked tweets. You can unlike all tweets by clicking on “Unlike All” button on the Circleboom dashboard.

unlike all tweets

Please note that this step is not recoverable and you cannot re-like all posts automatically, so be careful when you unlike all tweets. You can though manually like again all tweets on Twitter but not via Circleboom.

Can you Bulk Delete Twitter Likes? Yes, in just 2 steps!
Circleboom is a Twitter app that helps you in quickly removing all old likes your Twitter account. You can delete all Twitter likes or specific likes using the app.

How to Unlike Selected Tweets in Bulk

Are there any specific tweets that you want to unlike? Maybe some particular person whose tweet likes you want to delete? You can do so too with the Circleboom dashboard.

Step #1: Login to the Circleboom dashboard, go to “My Tweets” and select “Unlike”.

Step #2: To unlike selected tweets, you can use the gird power search to search for the tweets you want to unlike. You can enter keywords or search by account name.

Step #3: Once your results are displayed for your search, you can select the tweets you want to unlike and click on “Unlike Selected” at the top.

unlike all tweets

Step #4: If you only wish to unlike a few tweets, you can just click on the Unlike button next to the tweet to delete it.

Step #5: To view a tweet before unliking it, you can click on the View button next to each tweet. This will open the tweet on Twitter for you to have a look before unliking it.

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Who all can use Circleboom’s Unlike feature?

Circleboom’s unlike feature is available to all Circleboom users. The free plan users can unlike up to 20 tweets. The paid plan features can unlike as many tweets they like or unlike all tweets as well. The pro plan starts at $5.99 per month and supports access to other Circleboom features as well.

If you have questions regarding the Circleboom unlike feature, you can contact the support team or post your comments below.

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Harshita Agrawal
Harshita Agrawal

Social media and influencer marketing specialist who spends most of her time behind the screen. She's also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast.