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How to clean up your X account: A Comprehensive Guide!

How to clean up your X account: A Comprehensive Guide!

. 6 min read

Have you ever felt like your Twitter feed has become a chaotic mess of spam, irrelevant content, and silent followers? Well, I sure did!  There was a moment when I seriously considered deleting my account. But then, I stumbled upon Circleboom, a Twitter-managing platform that changed everything.

Let me take you on a journey of how I cleaned up my X account and rediscovered the joy of tweeting.

The Day I Decided to Clean Up

It was a sunny afternoon, and I was scrolling through my X feed, feeling increasingly frustrated. Crypto bots, spammy tweets, and accounts I no longer relate to were filling my timeline. My follower list was a mess, and my engagement was dropping. I thought to myself, “Is it time to delete my account and start fresh?” That’s when I realized I needed to take action and clean up my Twitter account instead of throwing in the towel.

Have you ever felt the urge to just hit the reset button on your social media? Well, hang tight because I’ve got a better solution for you!

The Joy of a Clean Twitter Account

Before diving deep into the whole experience, let me tell you how having a clean Twitter account feels. Well, It is absolutely fantastic! It's like decluttering your room—suddenly, everything is clearer and more organized, and you can focus on what really matters. Gone are the days of wading through spammy tweets and irrelevant content. Now, I wake up excited to check my feed, connect with followers who genuinely care about my content, and share my thoughts with an engaged audience. My Twitter experience has become more meaningful and inspiring. You deserve to experience that same sense of clarity and satisfaction. Trust me, it's a game-changer.

Removing Crypto Bots from My Followers

One of the first things I noticed was the influx of crypto bots. These pesky accounts were everywhere, promoting shady schemes and cluttering my feed. But how could I get rid of them without spending hours manually unfollowing?

Do bots keep following you on Twitter? I bet you don't know why and what to do! ⬇️
Bots keep following me on Twitter! What can I do?
Sometimes bot accounts on Twitter follow us without reason! They will damage your reputation on social media! The best way is to remove them in bulk!

I tried Circleboom’s "Fake Account Checker." This tool was a game-changer. It identified and removed crypto bots with just a few clicks, and the peace of mind was instant. Imagine having a feed free of bot-promoted nonsense—blissful, right? Want to know how it works? Let's make it simple for you!

#1 Go to Circleboom Twitter and login with your active e-mail address

Signing up is super quick and hassle-free

Twitter Management Circleboom

#2 Connect your Twitter account to your Circleboom account

Trust me, it just took me a couple of seconds to connect my Twitter account with Circleboom.

Connect with Twitter

#3 Go to the "Followers" tab on the list.

Under that, you will see "All My Followers".

Fake Twitter account checker by Circleboom will spot all fake Twitter account you follow!

#4 Time to Apply the Filters:

Utilize the advanced filter options and choose "Fake spam Accounts "

Advanced Filters

Finding and Removing 18+ Accounts

Next up were the inappropriate accounts. My Twitter feed had to be professional and clean, especially since I used it for networking and career opportunities. I didn’t want any 18+ content lurking in my follower list.

Circleboom’s advanced filtering options once again came to the rescue. I filtered out accounts with explicit bios and content. It was as easy as pie. With a few clicks, my follower list was purged of inappropriate content, making my Twitter feed a safe space for all ages. If you’re looking to keep things professional and clean, this tool is your best friend.

Just follow the above-mentioned steps and get rid of the explicit content!

Deleting Silent Accounts

Silent accounts—those followers who never like, retweet, or engage with your content—were next on my hit list. They were just dead weight, dragging down my engagement metrics.

Circleboom helped me identify these inactive followers. The tool highlighted accounts that hadn’t been tweeted in the last 30 days. It felt so satisfying to clean the house and focus on followers who genuinely cared about my content. Have you ever noticed a drop in engagement? Maybe it’s time to say goodbye to those silent accounts.

The initial steps will be the same as mentioned above. While selecting the filter, click on " Inactive accounts," and like me, you will definitely be amazed after seeing all your inactive followers in one place. Time to say farewell!

Silent followers

Spotting and Removing Fake Accounts

Fake accounts are the worst. They can damage your credibility and make you look less influential than you are. I needed to get rid of them, but how?

Circleboom’s "Fake Twitter Account Checker"was my hero. It detected fake followers based on their profile pictures, activity patterns, and follower-to-following ratios. I quickly removed these fakes, and my Twitter credibility shot up. Imagine the relief of knowing your follower count reflects real, engaged users.

Auto delete tweets after 30 days!
Tweets that seemed relevant a month ago might not hold the same value today. So auto-deleting tweets after 30 days can come in handy.

Enhancing Engagement with High-Quality Followers

Now that my account was clean, it was time to boost engagement with high-quality followers. I used Circleboom’s "Smart Search Tool" to find and connect with like-minded users who shared my interests. This step was all about building a vibrant community. You can use target keywords to find your own clan.

Think of it like this: Instead of talking to a room full of strangers, you’re now engaging with friends who genuinely care about what you have to say. My engagement soared, and Twitter became fun again.

Smart Search

Managing and Organizing Twitter Lists

One often overlooked feature of Twitter is its list functionality. Creating and managing lists can help you categorize and interact with your followers more effectively. I started using Circleboom's Twitter List Manager, which is a game-changer.

I created lists for industry experts, frequent engagers, and potential collaborators. This organization made my feed less chaotic and more focused. If you’re not using Twitter lists yet, trust me, you’re missing out!

Add to Twitterlist

Maintaining a Healthy Follower-to-Following Ratio

Finally, I tackled my follower-to-following ratio. Having a balanced ratio is important for maintaining credibility. CircleBoom helped me identify accounts I followed that didn’t follow me back. I unfollowed those that didn’t add value, keeping my ratio healthy and my account looking sharp.

A balanced ratio shows that you’re selective about who you follow and that you have genuine influence. It’s a small step with big rewards.

Regular Maintenance Tips for a Clean Twitter Account

Cleaning up your Twitter account isn’t a one-time task. It requires regular maintenance. Here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way:

Set a Regular Schedule: Dedicate time each week or month to review your followers and following lists.
Engage Regularly: Reply to comments, retweet interesting content, and start conversations to keep your followers engaged.
Monitor Metrics: Keep an eye on your engagement metrics to identify trends and make necessary adjustments.
Stay Updated on Trends: Follow the latest hashtags and trending topics to keep your content relevant.
Use Automation Wisely: Balance automated tools with genuine interactions.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your Twitter Experience

If you've made it this far, you're ready to transform your X experience just like I did. Remember, it's not about the number of followers but the quality of engagement and the joy of meaningful interactions. Circleboom made a world of difference for me, and I'm sure it can make a difference for you, too.

So, take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves, and start cleaning up your Twitter account. It won't be taking much of your time or effort now. You'll be amazed at how much more enjoyable and productive your time on Twitter can become.

Have you tried any of these tips, or do you have any other strategies that worked for you? I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Masham Malik

I'm a life-long SEO writing learner and a big social media enthusiast. I'm here to share my experience on blog topics that help and lift up people.